Author Topic: SSMS Press Reviews/Previews  (Read 31179 times)


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    • Space Shuttle Mission 2007 (tm)
SSMS Press Reviews/Previews
« on: December 30, 2007, 07:42:32 AM »
On the Internet:

- AVSIM (in English)
"It’s always a pleasure when I have a hard time conveying just how good a program is. SSM07 just blew me away with it’s attention to detail in every and all aspects of the Space Shuttle. It’s visual and audio recreation of the Shuttle is top-notch, and the simulation of the STS operations from launch to landing, from my personal experience, has no equal. The ever present factor of gravity was the only thing keeping me grounded to reality; the immersion that SSM07 provides into this specific realm felt that convincing. It’s definitely given me a new appreciation for what all astronauts do when they break the bonds of Earth. Short and sweet, it’s hard not for me to believe that SSM07 is definitely a must for any space simulation fan, STS or otherwise."

- (in English)
"Verdict? OK, it is only a preview, I wasn't looking at finished code, but SSM2007 is very neat and the release deserves to attract a major fan base. Space Shuttle Mission is not an arcade-style sim and so the turn and burn brigade need to look elsewhere, but if procedural sims are your thing, or you want the most realistic simulation of the space shuttle released to date, you have found what you are looking for."

- (in English)
"I must confess I expected a rather boring experience when hitting the first mission's 'launch minus 12 seconds' button. But I was wrong...the ensuing launch sequence was breathtaking enough to keep me glued to the screen well until the Shuttle was safely orbiting in space...I did try the CaptainSim space shuttle in FSX some time ago and although the craft was nicely modeled, the functionality of the program leaves to be desired. You couldn't DO much except fly the landing, or 'slew' the craft into orbit.
The first thing I can tell you: that is entirely different with SSM2007 ! This is indeed a stand-alone SIMULATOR and just about every function of the shuttle, from initial countdown to final landing can be executed! ...This product was a surprise and will STAY on my hard disk for a while, something I did not expect at first !"

- Avionic Online (in French)
"Exciting Simulations™ propose là du grand cru pour les fans de la Navette Spatiale ou bien les personnes voulant se lancer dans l'aventure spatiale. Les différents modes de difficultés bien conçus font que cette simulation peut convenir à tous les niveaux de simulation. Expert ou amateur, enfilez votre combinaison et montez dans la Navette et faites la décoller ! Sentez les vibrations ou la légereté d'une mise en orbite, amarrez vous à la Station Spatiale que VOUS aurez construite via les missions précédentes ! Space Shuttle Mission 2007 vous apporte du vent frais dans la simulation ! L'espace est à vous !"

- (in German)
"Shuttle-Fans aufgepasst: Hier kommt die bisher wohl ultimativste Simulation für ein Raumfahrzeug, dessen Tage nach vielen Jahren und Missionen allmählich gezählt sind.Was diese Preview-Version bietet, ist beeindruckend, hat aber einen ganz anderen Simulationscharakter, wie beispielsweise eine PMDG-747 im FS, denn man wird programmintern gut unterstützt, muss die Systemabläufe aber trotzdem selbstständig durchführen bzw. initiieren. So gibt es bei Neulingen weniger Frustmomente. Toll ist, dass man dadurch auch immer gleich lernt, was man eigentlich gerade tut und nicht nur den gewünschten Schalter ahnungslos umlegt.Die Systemtiefe ist beachtlich und hat mich für ein eigenständiges Produkt doch erstaunt. Es stehen uns also viele spannende Stunden im Orbit bevor. Ziel von Exciting Simulatons ist, einmal alle Shuttle-Missionen als Addon anzubieten."

- IGN User Review 1 (in English)
"To close, I must say that this “game” is not only exceptional in scope and execution – it also has tremendous educational value. If you are interested in Space Exploration or in Shuttle operations or you are a teacher preparing a course on Space Shuttle, you now have the best tool around. Beyond game-play, Space Shuttle Mission 2007 excites you to the point where you cannot stop getting deeper and deeper into Space Shuttle related stuff on the Internet and movies. Since I bought SSM2007, I also bought three NASA-related DVDs and two new Space books! I feel I spent my money well!"

- IGN User Review 2 (in English)
"What can I say? This sim has been keeping me off Guild Wars and WOW since it was released in January and going to sleep at 2AM is now a routine thing. Yep - SSM2007 is an adventure in itself! If anybody has any questions about what it feels to fly a Space Shuttle, space walk or dock in space, then most of the questins will find an aswer in Space Shuttle Mission 2007."

- SimHQ Interview (in English)
"SSM2007 is definitely not for everybody. There is a lot of button-pressing, switch-switching, slow, precise maneuvering and GPC interaction, not to mention operating that cool robotic arm and manipulating expensive payload. You need to follow strict checklists and procedures, pay attention to detail and of course RTFM! Besides, there is more to the sim than the associated manuals tell you. Virtual Astronauts who want to learn more, and refer to NASA material, discover new, active systems and features that we’ve implemented but could not reveal in the associated manuals simply because we do not want and cannot ever compete with the +7000 pages worth of NASA stuff or even with the SCOM’s 1,400 pages."

- Avionic Online Podcast (video in French)

- Volo Virtuale (in Italian)

Printed Press:

- PC Pilot July 2008 Issue (in English)
"SSM2007 it totally addictive - just ask my family! The exhilaration of successfully completing your first ISS docking procedure is worth the hours of training... Don't let the degree of regimented procedures put you off. SSM2007 has a unique blend of procedures, automated and 'seat of the pants' flying, as well as allowing plenty of opportunity to simply sit back and take in the extraordinary views"

- Computer Pilot July 2008 Issue (in English)
"Looking back after many hours 'in space', this is not only a very realistic simulation (as opposed to a 'game'), but it's enjoyable as well. You really do need to read much of the manual, you do need some patience and perseverance in getting control of certain aspects (like the arm [RMS]), and you do need some interest in space flight as a whole. With those bases covered, SSM2007 is a wonderful addition to our PC and a welcome change from all the 'regular flight sim stuff."

- Simwing Issue #2 (in Italian)
"Posso dire che come prima esperienza, non e’ aatto male, tenedo presente che non ha niente a che vedere con i simulatori per Shuttle di fs9 o fsx. Nettamente migliore ed entusiasmante. Il costo a mio avviso e’ ottimo, considerato la quantita’ di materiale presente, e la qualita di simulazione, che direi certosina. A tutti quelli che amano lo spazio e la tecnologia estrema lo consiglio vivamente!"
« Last Edit: June 26, 2010, 10:21:16 AM by Admin »
- The Space Shuttle Mission 2007(tm)Team -